The Township of Georgian Bay welcomes all members of the public to speak at our meetings. When someone comes to a meeting to speak to Council it is called a delegation. Those that make frequent presentations to Council (e.g. District of Muskoka or Ontario Provincial Police) are placed under deputation.

Requesting to be a delegation

  • Request to be a delegation to the Clerk in writing at least 10 days prior to the Council meeting.
  • Explain why you want to speak to Council and provide as much detail as possible.

Being a delegation at council

  • You can speak to Council and the audience for ten minutes.
  • You will be asked to stand at the podium.
  • The Clerk may decide to place a delegation to a future meeting for scheduling or other relevant reasons.
  • A delegation can include handouts and presentations if they are given to the Clerk at least two business days before the meeting.

Participating in Open Forum

Committee of the Whole allows for Open Forum on the agenda.

  • Open Forum lasts up to ten minutes.
  • You must sign up on the Open Forum Register at the front counter before speaking.
  • The length of time each individual has to speak is up to the Chair's discretion.
  • Meeting minutes will not include comments made during Open Forum.

View our Procedural By-Law 2019-62 for full guidelines about meetings for Council and its Committees.

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