The Township takes road safety seriously. The following are just some ways we promote and support road safety. Our Operations Department is here to help if you have a concern about a particular road or sidewalk.
Speed limits
The speed limit in Georgian Bay is 50 km per hour unless posted otherwise. The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) actively enforces our speed limits.
Animal crossings
Georgian Bay is home to several animals that depend on attentive drivers to make their way across the road safely. Please look out for birds, turtles, snakes and other animals when driving through our Township. Signage is posted in areas of increased concern.
Municipal by-laws
Municipal by-laws enhance road safety, including our Parking By-law and Community Safety Zones By-law.
Do your part
We encourage drivers to practice safe driving behaviour at all times. We also ask that you help convince other drivers (and pedestrians) to be responsible too. Contact the OPP to report dangerous and aggressive drivers to the police.
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