Marriage Licences

Congratulations on your forthcoming marriage.

Planning your wedding can be lots of work, and we are here to help you out. The Township of Georgian Bay issues Marriage Licences allowing you to check one more thing off your to-do list.

Marriage Licence Application

In the Province of Ontario, you need a Marriage Licence to get married. Please complete the Marriage Licence Application form. The form must be completed by both parties. If only one applicant can attend, they must provide the other applicant’s original identification. Two original pieces of acceptable identification is required for both applicants.

Book an Appointment

Once you have completed the form, you need to book an appointment with the Township of Georgian Bay Clerk's Department to get your Marriage Licence. Please contact us by email or calling us at 705-538-2337 to make an appointment.


Marriage Licence Fee is $150.00 plus HST. We accept cash, debit, or cheque made payable to the Township of Georgian Bay.


You and your partner will each need to provide two (2) pieces of government issued identification. One (1) piece of identification for each person getting married must include their photo. Identification must be valid and original (we will not accept photocopies, scanned images or pictures on electronic devices). Health cards, S.I.N. cards, and expired identification will not be accepted.

 Acceptable Government Issued Identification

Examples of government-issued identification include:

  • Government-issued birth certificate, including any change of name certificates
  • Valid passport
  • Record of immigrant landing
  • Canadian citizenship card
  • Valid driver’s licence
  • Valid Ontario photo card
  • Conditional release identification card
  • United States green card
  • Native status card
  • Record of immigration landing
  • Confirmation of permanent residency
  • Permanent residency card
  • Citizenship card
  • Identity card
  • Nexus card
  • Firearms Acquisition Certificate (FAC)
  • Possession & Acquisition Licence (PAL)


Additional Requirements

Review these additional requirements before you apply for a marriage licence.

 Divorce Documentation

If you or your partner has previously been married and divorced in Canada, you must provide the original or a court-certified copy of the Certificate of Divorce or Decree Absolute. Photocopies will not be accepted. The following documents are not accepted:

  • Divorce Order
  • Divorce Judgement
  • Decree Nisi

You can get a certified copy of your Certificate of Divorce from the court office that granted the divorce.

If you got divorced outside of Canada, you must receive authorization from the Minister of Government Services through Service Ontario.

To get a Marriage Licence, you, and your partner both need to be 18 years of age or older. If you are 16 or 17 years of age, parental consent is required to get a Marriage Licence. Individuals under the age 16 cannot get married in the Province of Ontario.


Finding an Officiant

The Township of Georgian Bay offers Civil Marriage Solemnization. Civil Marriage Ceremonies are for couples who do not wish to have a religious wedding ceremony and will be performed in the Municipal Administration Building located at 99 Lone Pine Road, Port Severn, Ontario.

Visit for a list of Marriage Officiants registered to perform marriages in Ontario.


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