The Township strives to be open and transparent. We will provide access to records unless part or all of the record falls under an exemption in the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy ActIf we withhold information under an exemption in the Act, we will explain why.

How to submit a request

Determine if you require one by reviewing our Routine Disclosure Policy; the records you are looking for may be readily available to you already.

You can submit a Freedom of Information (FOI) request by filling out a FOI request form. Make sure to identify the types of records you want access to and the time frame they cover. Your request should be as specific as possible and refer to the Act. There is a $5 application fee payable to the Township of Georgian Bay for FOI requests.

How to appeal a request

You can file an appeal to the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario if you're unsatisfied with our answer to your FOI request. There are three steps:

  1. Send a letter or completed form within 30 days of receiving the Township's response explaining your concerns and potential resolution.
  2. Include a copy of the Township's response and your original request (if available).
  3. Enclose the $25 fee (cheque or money order only, payable to “Minister of Finance”).

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