Commonly requested by-laws and policies are available below:
Animal Control By-Law |
Regulates the licensing of dogs and kennels, number of dogs and cats within a dwelling unit and prohibits exotic animals from being kept within the Township. This by-law also prohibits dogs from running at large, excessive barking and attacking a person or other domestic animal. Within this by-law there are fines for the associated offences as well as the Township muzzle order for dangerous dogs. |
Blasting By-Law |
Blasting in the Township is regulated along shoreline properties of Georgian Bay and inland lakes. To apply for a blasting permit please see Blasting Application. |
Clean Yards By-Law |
Provides for maintaining land in a clean and clear condition. This by-law addresses concerns such as long grass, unsafe or hazardous conditions, litter/debris, waste disposal, compost, and derelict vehicles. |
Dark Sky By-Law |
A by-law to regulate outdoor illumination to ensure responsible lighting, light pollution mitigation and conserve the dark sky environment. |
Feeding Wildlife By-Law |
Prohibits the intentional feeding or providing attractants to wildlife within the Township. |
Firearm Discharge By-Law |
Prohibiting the discharge of guns or other fire-arms within 152.4 metres (500 ft) of a dwelling unit with the the Township of Georgian Bay. |
Fireworks By-Law |
Speaks to two types of fireworks, Display (licensed professional) and Consumer (average citizen). Consumer fireworks are permitted on Holidays listed within the by-law and two days before and one day after. Display fireworks must obtain a permit and permission from the Fire department. |
Noise By-Law |
To provides for the regulation and prohibition of noise that may or is likely to disturb the public peace and for the prevention of public nuisances in the Township. Within this by-law there are general prohibitions that prohibit certain types of noise, and limitations by time where certain type of noise (construction, music, etc) is permitted during certain hours. |
Off Road Vehicle By-Law |
Permits the use of off-road vehicles on municipal highways. |
Open Air Burning By-Law |
Regulates the setting of fires, prevent the spreading of fires and to establish a permit system for the Township. This by-law addresses fire safety concerns such as leaving a fire unattended or not having the appropriate resources to fully extinguish a fire. As well as provides the activities permitted within each Fire Danger Rating category. Any open air burning requires a burn permit issued by the Township. |
Parking By-Law |
Regulates and controls parking within the Township. This by-law addresses such offences and concerns such as parked where prohibited, parking in a fire route or accessible space and parked obstructing traffic along with several others. Officers have the authority to ticket and tow vehicles parked in contravention of this by-law. Consolidated in 2021. |
Property Standards By-Law |
Provides for general standards at which properties must be kept, these standards include maintenance standards, building and residential occupancy standards and residential occupancy standards. |
Sign By-Law |
Regulates the installation of signs within the limits of the Township. There is a sign permit, inspection and fee required to post a sign within the Township. |
Site Alteration By-Law |
A by-law to prohibit and regulate the placing of dumping or removal of fill within shoreline and environmental protected areas. Make sure you receive proper approvals prior to doing any in water work. |
Swimming Pool Fence By-Law |
Regulates fences around privately owned swimming pools, both in ground and above, and application and fee are required to obtain a permit. |
Transient Trader By-Law (Food Trucks) |
Provides for the licensing and governing of transient and itinerant traders, for regulating vending in streets and the governing of refreshment vehicles. There is a application, inspection and fee required to be a transient trader/food truck within the Township. |
Tree Cutting By-Law |
The Tree Cutting By-law regulates the removal or destruction of tress within certain areas of waterfront and environmental protected properties. The Township does not have a permit system to remove trees. |
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