The Township of Georgian Bay issues a number of licences and permits. Here you can find the one that you are looking for.

Building and Construction 
Dog Licence

A dog in the Township of Georgian Bay must have a tag in accordance with our Animal Control By-Law 2023-013.


For more information view our Animal Control page.
Finance and Taxes
Fire and Burning


Flag Raising
Licence of Occupation
Liquor Licence

The Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) is responsible for administering the Liquor Licence and Control Act, 2019 (LLCA). Among its responsibilities in the liquor sector, the AGCO licenses and regulates establishments that sell or serve liquor to the public for on-site consumption. This includes establishments such as bars, restaurants, lounges, and night clubs.

As part of a liquor licence approval process, the AGCO may require you to provide a Municipal Information Form signed by the Municipal Clerk and Agency Letters of Approval from Building and Fire Services and the Public Health Unit.

New Licence

The following documents are to be submitted to the Clerks Department by email, mail or in person at 99 Lone Pine Road, Port Severn ON L0K 1S0,

The Clerks Department will circulate the Liquor Licence Application Form, Municipal Information Form, Agency Letter of Approval, and any other relevant documents to Building Services and Fire Services on your behalf. 

As the Applicant, you are responsible for submitting an Agency Letter of Approval to the Simcoe-Muskoka District Health Unit.

Once received by all agencies, you are responsible for submitting the signed Municipal Information Form and Agency Letters of Approval to the AGCO through the iAGCO portal.

Temporary Outdoor Patio Extension

The Government of Ontario has amended Regulation 746/21 under the Liquor Licence and Control Act, 2019 establishing a new framework for temporary outdoor physical extensions (temporary patios). Effective January 1, 2023, the AGCO no longer accepts applications or has the authority to approve temporary patios for licensees located in municipalities. More information can be found on the AGCO website.

To qualify for a Temporary Outdoor Patio Licence, a business must have a valid AGCO Liquor Licence for the principal establishment.

Apply for a Temporary Outdoor Patio


Lottery Licence

The Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) is responsible for regulating gaming activities in Ontario. The AGCO and municipalities work together to ensure that the legal requirements, including terms and conditions of the licenses, are complied with by lottery licensees and any gaming suppliers used by charities.

The Registrar has issued a Lottery Licensing Policy Manual (LLPM) which is used to determine eligibility for a lottery license and for the use of proceeds.  The LLPM sets out the types of lottery schemes for which a license may be issued. The Registrar also issues “terms and conditions” for lottery licenses, which provide detailed information on the conduct and management of licensed lottery events, and which may be supplemented by municipalities.

Lottery Types – Charitable Gaming

A lottery license is required if all of the following exists:

  • a prize;
  • a chance to win a prize; and
  • a consideration or a fee.

As such, a lottery scheme exists if money is paid or some other consideration is given for a chance to win a prize.

Municipalities have the authority to issue the following types of lottery licenses:


Only charitable organizations can obtain a lottery license. According to the AGCO, organizations must fall within one of the following four classifications to be eligible:

  • The Relief of Poverty
  • The Advancement of Education
  • The Advancement of Religion
  • Other Charitable Purposes Beneficial to the Community

Refer to the Charitable Lottery Licensing Overview for full details on lottery licensing.

Application Process

  1. Review the AGCO's guidelines and eligibility criteria related to your event. 
  2. Download, print and complete the form relating to the type of lottery license you wish to obtain.
  3. Submit completed application form and 3% licensing fee to the Township of Georgian Bay.
  4. The completed application package must be submitted within the timelines set by the AGCO. A lottery cannot be conducted unless a license is issued.

Charitable Gaming Lottery Licensing Fees

The maximum fees that may be charged for the issuance of charitable gaming lottery licensing are in accordance with Section 17 of Order in Council 1413/08.


That AGCO has a number of reporting requirements for lotteries to finalize the event. The AGCO outlines these requirements. Refer to the type of license you wish to obtain for reporting requirements. Reports must be submitted to the municipality within the AGCO's timeframes.

All Funds that are raised by an organization must only be spent as listed on your lottery license application and as prescribed by the Criminal Code of Canada, the Order-in Council, and policies of the Registrar of the AGCO.

Parks and Recreation


Planning and Development

 For more information, view our Planning and Zoning page. 



Sale of Municipal Land

For more information, view our Sale of Municipal Land page.

Don't see what you're looking for? Contact us! 



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