Temporary Zoning By-Law Amendment (Rock Crushing)

Township of Georgian Bay - At the end of August, the Superior Court of Justice (Ontario Divisional Court) issued a decision to deny the Township’s request to appeal the Ontario Land Tribunal’s (OLT) decision to permit the temporary zoning by-law. Therefore, the Township is compelled by the Ontario Land Tribunal to issue a zoning by-law amendment to OBD Developments Inc. to allow crushing of rock on the Summerside Phase of the development for a period of two-years, subsequently the temporary zoning by-law was listed on the next Planning Council Agenda for consideration.
On September 10, 2024 Council of the Township of Georgian Bay deferred the temporary zoning by-law that would permit crushing of rock on the Summerside Phase for a period of two-years. This deferral is to allow time for Council to seek further legal advice on an urgent basis.
The Township continues to be mindful of the environmental and health impacts this may have on our community, and per Schedule B (Best Management Practices) of the proposed temporary zoning by-law ongoing monitoring is the responsibility of the developer, with required reporting to the municipality quarterly.
Rock crushing is only permitted once the by-law is enacted by the Council of the Township of Georgian Bay. If you have concerns regarding the practices, the following agencies may be contacted.
Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP)
1-866-MOE-TIPS (663-8477)
OBD Developments c/o Eden Oak
Mayor, Peter Koetsier addressed the situation, stating “While we respect the court’s decision, both Council and staff share the concerns of our residents. We will proceed with caution and remain vigilant in monitoring the impact of this development on our community.”
If you require any further information on this topic please contact Karen Way, 705-738-2337 x227 or clerks@gbtownship.ca.

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