Georgian Bay is home to many plants and animals, including those that have been designated at risk by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF). Find which species are at risk in Georgian Bay on the Species at Risk page of Georgian Bay Biosphere Reserve's website.

How you can help

You can help protect Ontario's many species of plants and animals – and where they live.

Georgian Bay Biosphere provides a vast amount of material to support us in our efforts for protecting our plants and animals in Georgian Bay.  

Read Georgian Bay Biosphere's Conservation Guides

Become a citizen scientist

Keep track of biodiversity in your own backyard and let MNRF know if you see a rare animal or plant so they can make them part of their conservation efforts. Visit nature watch to take part in bird counts, the turtle tally or frog watch.

Plant a pollinator garden

Plant local flowering species and milkweed in clusters. Butterflies like yellow, pink, orange and purple flowers. Get more tips on how you can help pollinators.

Grow native species

Plant trees and plants native to where you live using the grow me instead guide to provide food and habitat for species at risk.

Watch out for invasive species

Invasive species can take over the territory of other native species. If you find invasive species, report your sighting at Ontario's invading species awareness program.

Reduce your ecological footprint

A lot of biodiversity is lost because of human actions. To reduce your ecological footprint and help conserve biodiversity:


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