Georgian Bay Speaks is an informative, entertaining podcast brought to you by the Township of Georgian Bay and Mayor Koetsier. These monthly audio recordings are about what is going on in the Township, not just the administration building but all around our community. These short 15 minute episodes, are perfect to listen to as you are on your way to or from work, home or cottage, or while you are making dinner or enjoying a relaxing time on the dock.
Stories will be told, awareness spread and relationships built. Utilizing the you will hear what goes on in the office, how each department assists in running the Township smoothly as well as historical stories, facts and local organization's initiatives.
If you have ideas you would like to share or you would like to join us on Georgian Bay Speaks please fill out the Georgian Bay Speaks Idea Form.
Georgian Bay Speaks
Volume 1
Episode 1 - Township Services 09/01/2021
Episode 2 - Sustainable Measures 10/01/2021
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