The Township of Georgian Bay has several environmental and sustainability organizations that work tirelessly to protect and preserve our community. The Township has also committed to the Georgian Bay Climate Change Action Plan.

Environmental and Sustainability Organizations

Eastern Georgian Bay Stewardship Council

Eastern Georgian Bay Stewardship Council (EGBSC) is a not-for-profit, volunteer-based organization that works along the Eastern shore of Georgian Bay and nearby inland territory.

What EGBSC does

  • Supports survey work for fish and other aquatic habitats
  • Rehabilitates fish spawning beds and nests
  • Saves habitats for species at risk
  • Monitors waterbodies for invasive species

Contact EGBSC

Phone: 705-685-7532


Georgian Bay Association

Georgian Bay Association (GBA) is an umbrella group of 21 cottage associations. They represent over 4,400 families along the eastern and northern shores of Georgian Bay. 

What GBA does

  • Helps cottage associations create water quality testing programs
  • Monitors municipal planning issues
  • Gives input to governments on boating and fishing regulations
  • Lobbies senior levels of government about concerns that threaten Georgian Bay's unique ecology

Contact GBA


Georgian Bay Biosphere

Georgian Bay Biosphere (GBB) is a not-for-profit community organization that protects the UNESCO Georgian Bay Biosphere Reserve.

What GBB does

  • Supports biodiversity and sustainable development
  • Fosters a shared responsibility for the Georgian Bay Biosphere Reserve
  • Holds species at risk and other educational outreach programs

Contact GBBR

Phone: 705-774-0978


Georgian Bay Forever

Georgian Bay Forever (GBF) is a charity dedicated to scientific research and public education on Georgian Bay's aquatic ecosystem.

What GBF does

  • Researches water levels, water quality and ecosystems
  • Educates the public and governments on environmental protection
  • Helps stop the spread of invasive species

Contact GBF

Phone: 905-880-4945


Georgian Bay Land Trust

Georgian Bay Land Trust (GBLT) is a not-for-profit registered charity supported by people who love and want to protect the wilderness of Georgian Bay. Consult their Visitor's Guide before visiting their protected properties. 

What GBLT does

  • Stewards gifted or sold wilderness lands (see their Public Access Guide for details on their protected properties) 
  • Tracks environmental changes on protected properties
  • Provides educational outreach programs (e.g. school trips, seminars and guided tours)
  • Protects the habitats of wildlife and fauna

Contact GBLT

Phone: 416-440-1519

Severn Sound Environmental Association

Severn Sound Environmental Association (SSEA) is a Joint Service Board under the Municipal Act that serves nine municipalities in the Severn Sound region.

What SSEA does

  • Monitors the open waters of Severn Sound and its tributaries
  • Promotes pollution prevention through educational and stewardship-based projects
  • Encourages source water protection
  • Educates municipalities and the community on invasive species
  • Runs tree planting programs

Contact SSEA

Phone: 705-534-7283


Sustainable Severn Sound

Sustainable Severn Sound (SSS) is a special project of the Severn Sound Environmental Association (SSEA). The objective of the SSS project is to advance the adoption of practices and policies within municipal operations to support climate change action, greenhouse gas mitigation and sustainable communities.

What SSS does

  • Provides the Township with information services on climate change mitigation and planning, including greenhouse gas analysis, projections and trends
  • Supports the alignment of climate change goals with existing and evolving municipal plans and priorities

Contact SSS

Phone: 705-526-1371 x112



Decibel Coalition

The Decibel Coalition is a national group of stakeholders whose objective is to enhance existing legislation in the Small Vessel Regulations SOR/2010-91 to include performance standards for boat motor noise set, in decibel limits, for both on the water owner/operators and boat importers and manufacturers. Efficient, effective procedures for on the water enforcement is critical to successful implementation.


Newsletter March 2022

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