Emergencies can happen any place and any time. Emergency management is about preparing for, responding to, and recovering from emergencies that affect the public. The Township of Georgian Bay's Emergency Response Plan works with other emergency service providers and local area municipalities to protect the health and safety of residents and visitors.
What is emergency planning?
Emergency preparedness is everyone's responsibility. Residents and visitors should know the potential risks and hazards, and plan ahead.
Follow these steps to protect your family and household.
Step 1: Know the risks |
Risks and hazards can be natural, human-made or technological. Know the potential risks in your area:
Step 2: Make a plan |
Creating an emergency plan for your family will help you prepare for what to do, how to find each other, and how to communicate with each other in an emergency. Include in your plan:
Practice your plan with all household members. |
Step 3: Get a kit |
Your emergency kit should have items for your family to remain safe and taken care of for at least three days. Pack the contents of your kit in something you can carry with ease and store it somewhere dry and easy to access. |
Comfort Stations
In the event of extreme cold or extreme heat, community members are reminded to limit exposure to the elements. If needed, community members are welcome at Township facilities (community centres, libraries, and municipal offices) during operating hours. People who are experiencing homelessness or who are at risk of homelessness are encouraged to contact the District at 705-645-2412 for resources. The District's Community Services Offices are also open during office hours as warming, cooling and comfort stations.
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