The Muskoka fire season runs from April 1 to October 31 each year. The fire danger rating is verified daily and updated whenever the rating changes.

Checking the fire danger rating

Always check the current fire rating on this page or call 1-877-847-1577 before burning. Signage with the current rating is also posted around the municipality.

Moderate Fire Rating

The fire danger rating expresses a variety of factors that could increase the threat of an open fire, such as ease of ignition, wind speed, precipitation levels and difficulty of control. There are four levels: 

  • Low: No open air burning is allowed between January 1 and December 31 without a permit. All fires must have adequate tools and resources to extinguish the fire and must be supervised at all times. Fires must abide by all stipulations set out in the burning by-law 2019-18.
  • Moderate: Burn with caution; No open air burning is allowed between January 1 and December 31 without a permit. All fires must have adequate tools and resources to extinguish the fire and must be supervised at all times. Fires must abide by all stipulations set out in the burning by-law 2019-18.
  • High: No open air burning is allowed unless being used solely for the purpose of cooking or warmth with a permit. All fires must have adequate tools and resources to extinguish the fire and must be supervised at all times. Burn permits will not be issued.  Fireworks are banned.
  • Extreme: Total Fire Ban; No open air burning for ANY reason including for cooking or warmth is permitted. Burn permits will not be issued. All current permits are suspended. Fireworks are banned.
Fire danger rating and allowable activities
Activity Low Moderate High Extreme
Campfires (not bonfires) Black checkmark Black checkmark Black checkmark Black letter X
Burning (with a permit) Black checkmark Black checkmark Black letter X Black letter X
Fireworks Black checkmark Black checkmark Black letter X Black letter X

Report a problem

By-law 2019-18 regulates open air burning in Georgian Bay. If you have a concern, please contact our Fire Department at 1-800-567-0187 x255. For after-hours non-emergencies, call 705-739-4220 x3025. Call 911 in an emergency.

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