The Township has plenty of great community associations that serve the residents and visitors of Georgian Bay.

Baxter Ward Lions Club

Beth Heintzman, President

Jordan Rynard, Vice President

Representing Port Severn & Honey Harbour 

28 Members

Cognashene Cottagers' Association

Bob Snider, President

Gibson Lake Cottage Association

Shawn Hilditch, President
Teeter Leinveer, Vice President

Gloucester Pool Cottagers' Association

Cheryl Elliot - Fraser, President

Laura Freeman, Vice President

Georgian Bay Historical Society

 Ron Breckbill, President

Marianne Braid, Vice President


Go Home Lake Cottage Owners' Association

Jeff Clark, President

Steve Predko, Membership Director

Honey Harbour Association

Bill Cooper, President
Kathy Kay, Communications

MacTier Community Development Association

Dawn MacDonald, Chair
Louise Rivett, Vice Chair

David Cape, President 
Membership of Island 95 Prisque Rd Association

Sherry GU, Secretary


Severn River Association of Property Owners


Six Mile Lake Cottagers Association

Harold Toivianinen, President
Rick Jocsak, Vice President
Denise Edwards, Vice President

Six Mile Lake Ratepayers Alliance

Dan Orchard, President
Jack Petrie, Vice President

Stewart Lake Association

Margarete Cameron, President
Rudolph Kurz, Vice President

 Twelve Mile Bay Association

 Brett Harris, President

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