Welcome to the Planning Department

The Planning Department is responsible for the development and implementation of land use policies and provisions including the Township’s Official Plan and Zoning By-law, in accordance with Provincial legislation and the District of Muskoka Official Plan. We work with you to align your development goals with the Township’s in a timely manner through our Pre-Application Consultation process and, where required, planning applications such as minor variances, consents, and zoning by-law amendments, to name a few. 

We are a diverse team of highly qualified individuals with Registered Professional Planner (RPP), Accredited Secretary-Treasurer (ACST) and Certified Planning Technician (CPT) designations who have many years of education and experience. We are members of the Canadian Institute of Planners (CIP), Ontario Professional Planners Institute (OPPI), Canadian Association of Certified Planning Technicians (CACPT), and Ontario Association of Committee of Adjustment & Consent Authorities (OACA) who engage in continuous professional learning to expand our knowledge on evolving planning legislation such as the Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) and the Planning Act, as well as best planning practices. 


Official Plan

The Township of Georgian Bay's Official Plan is a long-range blueprint that guides future land use and manages growth within our municipality. The plan works to balance Georgian Bay's unique character with the needs of our community and natural heritage.


Schedule A - Settlement Patterns

Schedule B - Port Severn Land Use Designation

Schedule C - MacTier Land Use Designation

Schedule D - Honey Harbour Area

Schedule E - Go Home Bay

Schedule F - Six Mile Lake

Schedule F1 - Six Mile Lake - Inland

Schedule G - Cognashene

Schedule G1 - Cognashene Coast Waterfront

Schedule H - Wah Wah Taysee

Schedule I - Palisade Bay/East Bone Island

Schedule J - Transportation

Schedule J1 - Transportation Port Severn/Honey Harbour


Appendix 1 - Species At Risk Screen Checklist

Appendix 2 - Terms of Reference for Water Quality Impact Assessment

Appendix 3 - Projected Population, Households and Employment

Appendix 4 - Provincially Significant Wetlands

Appendix 4 - Part 2

Appendix 4 - Part 3

Appendix 5 - Muskoka Heritage Areas

Appendix 6 - Other Wetlands

Appendix 7 - Areas of Natural and Scientific Interest

Appendix 8 - Fish Habitat

Appendix 9 - Colonial Bird Nesting Habitat (Map 1)

Appendix 9 - Colonial Bird Nesting Habitat (Map 2)

Appendix 9 - Colonial Bird Nesting Habitat (Map 3)

Appendix 9 - Colonial Bird Nesting Habitat (Map 4)

Appendix 9 - Colonial Bird Nesting Habitat (Map 5)

Appendix 9 - Colonial Bird Nesting Habitat (Map 6)

Appendix 9 - Colonial Bird Nesting Habitat (Map 7)

Appendix 9 - Colonial Bird Nesting Habitat (Map 8)

Appendix 9 - Colonial Bird Nesting Habitat (Map 9)

Appendix 9 - Colonial Bird Nesting Habitat (Map 10)

Appendix 10 - Mineral Aggregate Resources

Master Plan & Design Guidelines

Each distinct community has a Master Plan with Design Guidelines. Viewed together, these plans act as strategic blueprints for community growth and help us assess development applications and proposals.

*The plan is a “living document” and updates ensure that the plan continues to meet local needs, the District's Official Plan and Ontario's Planning Act. We review our plan every five years.



Our Zoning By-law regulates the use of land and contains provisions related to the size, height and location of buildings and structures. You can find the zoning of your property using the Interactive Zoning Map or Schedule A of the Zoning By-law below. Refer to the Zoning: A Guide for the Public for step-by-step instructions on how to determine the zone of your property and locate the applicable zoning information in the By-law. 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Planning Department at planning@gbtownship.ca.

Zoning By-Law Schedules
 Zoning By-Law Appendices 

Zoning Certificates

Prior to obtaining a building permit, you must receive approval from the Planning Department by way of a Zoning Certificate. This process has been implemented in an effort to speed up the process of obtaining a building permit by ensuring compliance with the Zoning By-law in advance. A Zoning Certificate will be issued once your plans have demonstrated compliance with the Zoning By-law. The Zoning Certificate process is appropriate for those who have utilized the Pre-Application Consultation process or are certain that their development complies with the Zoning By-law and have prepared the required drawings for a building permit application.
A few things you should know:
  • The application fee is non-refundable.
  • If you are uncertain that your development complies with the Zoning By-law, you are encouraged to submit your plans for preliminary review by way of our Pre-Application Consultation process.
  • Zoning Certificates have a six-month expiry date.
  • One Zoning Certificate is required per building/structure. Consult with the Building Department to determine how many certificates your development requires.
  • If you are proposing to construct a detached dwelling and install a new septic system, you can do so with one Zoning Certificate Application form.
  • You are exempt from a Zoning Certificate if you are proposing a temporary tent for an event, interior renovations where the use of the building is not changing or are replacing an approved septic system and not enlarging it.
  • Once your Zoning Certificate application has been approved, the Certificate will need to be submitted with the approved plans to the Building Department as part of your building permit application.
  • If you revise your development plans from those approved, another Zoning Certificate (and revision fee) will be required.
  • A Zoning Certificate is not a Building Permit. Receiving a Zoning Certificate does not guarantee that you will receive approval from the Building Department.
  • Refer to the Zoning Certificate Application form for a list of required information.
  • If you recently received approval under the Planning Act (i.e., Minor Variance), the Zoning Certificate application fee may be waived.

Zoning Certificate Application Form

Development Approval Process

Site Plan Example

Planning Application Forms

Pre-Application Consultation 

Prior to applying for a building permit or submitting a Planning Act application (i.e., minor variance), you are encouraged to take part in the Township’s Pre-Application Consultation process. 

Through this process, Planning Staff will review your development proposal for compliance with the Zoning By-law and conformity with the District of Muskoka and Township Official Plans. Staff may involve representatives from various Township departments and/or external agencies. The purpose of this process is to provide applicants with a detailed memo identifying issues of non-compliance, applicable provisions and policies, required Planning Act application(s) and/or approvals, and to confirm the supporting materials (i.e., site plan, environmental impact study, etc.) that must be submitted with an application for it to be deemed complete. For more complex development proposals, an in-person or virtual meeting will be arranged prior to staff providing a written memo. Pre-Application Consultation Requests are reviewed in order of receipt. The comments generated from the Pre-Application Consultation process do not constitute an approval nor reflect the position of the Township regarding a development proposal.

Consent (Land Severance)

A consent is the legal separation of a piece of land to form a new lot. A consent is not needed if the land is already divided by a railway or public road. You can also apply for a consent for:

  • right-of-way,
  • easements, and
  • any change to your existing property boundaries (e.g. lot addition).


Deeming By-law

A Deeming By-law deems areas of land to no longer be part of a registered plan of subdivision. This type of by-law allows certain lots, or parts of lots, on a plan of subdivision to merge. View our Deeming By-law Application Form for details and fees.

Minor Variance

A Minor Variance Application provides specific relief from our Zoning By-law if the Committee of Adjustment agrees that the request is minor. Minor variances maintain the general intent of our Zoning By-law and Official Plan.


Official Plan Amendment

If your plans for developing your property aren't consistent with the Township's Official Plan, you will need to apply for an Official Plan Amendment. More information on this process is available through your pre-consultation with our Planning Department.

Site Plan Agreement

Prior to applying, a Pre-Application Consultation (PAC) is required in accordance with By-law 2022-103. Applications submitted without first completing a PAC will be returned as incomplete as per Section 41(3.5) of the Planning Act, R.S.0. 1990, c. P.13. All plans, drawings, studies, reports, etc. that were identified as being required to form a complete application on the PAC memo must accompany this application form.

Site plan control enables a municipality to exercise site-specific controls over development. It is a tool under section 41 of the Planning Act that allows the council of a local municipality to control certain matters on and around a site proposed for development, such as but not limited to:

  • access for pedestrians & vehicles
  • lighting
  • waste facilities
  • landscaping
  • drainage
  • exterior design

This control over detailed site-specific matters ensures that a development proposal is well designed, fits in with the surrounding uses and minimizes any negative impacts.

View our Site Plan Approval Application for fees.

Zoning By-law Amendment (Rezoning)

If a proposed use or structure on a property doesn't meet the requirements of our Zoning By-law, the owner may apply for a Zoning By-law Amendment

Blasting Permits

If rock blasting is required to facilitate your development on a waterfront property, you may require a blasting permit. Refer to the Township’s Blasting By-law for additional information.

Blasting Permit

Information Guides

Link to Minor variance Guide Link to Consent Application Guide  Zoning By-law Amendment Information Guide

Need a Consultant?

To assist you with your search of professional consultants in the area that you may wish to retain to complete a study, development plans, etc., as may be required, the Township has prepared a Consultant Resource List.


Planning Fees
View our planning fees in Schedule J of the Fees and Charges By-Law.
Paying the Fees

Fees are associated with the Planning applications and are identified on the first page of the corresponding application form. An application will not be processed by staff without payment of the applicable fee(s). Payment can be made one of the following ways:

  1. In-person via cheque, debit, or credit card 
  2. Online: https://forms.gbtownship.ca/Payment-Processing-Form 
  3. E-transfer

There is a 2.5% service charge when making payment with a credit card. 


To make an e-transfer:

  1. Send to payment@gbtownship.ca  
  2.  A security question is required, and all answers need to be sent in a separate email to payment@gbtownship.ca which shall include the following details:


    1. Application type
    2. Applicant name
    3. Property address and roll number

Planning Notices

See upcoming Public Meetings, draft Official Plan amendments, and other planning notices in our Document Centre. You can also read documents and presentations specific to Oak Bay DevelopmentSix Mile Lake and Macey Bay



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