The Township of Georgian Bay's Official Plan is a long-range blueprint that guides future land use and manages growth within our municipality. The plan works to balance Georgian Bay's unique character with the needs of our community and natural heritage.


Schedule A - Settlement Patterns

Schedule B - Port Severn Land Use Designation

Schedule C - MacTier Land Use Designation

Schedule D - Honey Harbour Area

Schedule E - Go Home Bay

Schedule F - Six Mile Lake

Schedule F1 - Six Mile Lake - Inland

Schedule G - Cognashene

Schedule G1 - Cognashene Coast Waterfront

Schedule H - Wah Wah Taysee

Schedule I - Palisade Bay/East Bone Island

Schedule J - Transportation

Schedule J1 - Transportation Port Severn/Honey Harbour


Appendix 1 - Species At Risk Screen Checklist

Appendix 2 - Terms of Reference for Water Quality Impact Assessment

Appendix 3 - Projected Population, Households and Employment

Appendix 4 - Provincially Significant Wetlands

Appendix 4 - Part 2

Appendix 4 - Part 3

Appendix 5 - Muskoka Heritage Areas

Appendix 6 - Other Wetlands

Appendix 7 - Areas of Natural and Scientific Interest

Appendix 8 - Fish Habitat

Appendix 9 - Colonial Bird Nesting Habitat (Map 1)

Appendix 9 - Colonial Bird Nesting Habitat (Map 2)

Appendix 9 - Colonial Bird Nesting Habitat (Map 3)

Appendix 9 - Colonial Bird Nesting Habitat (Map 4)

Appendix 9 - Colonial Bird Nesting Habitat (Map 5)

Appendix 9 - Colonial Bird Nesting Habitat (Map 6)

Appendix 9 - Colonial Bird Nesting Habitat (Map 7)

Appendix 9 - Colonial Bird Nesting Habitat (Map 8)

Appendix 9 - Colonial Bird Nesting Habitat (Map 9)

Appendix 9 - Colonial Bird Nesting Habitat (Map 10)

Appendix 10 - Mineral Aggregate Resources

Official Plan development and review

The process for our current Official Plan began in 2012 with extensive public consultation. Consultation included stakeholder workshops, open houses, meetings with the Township and Planning Committee, special Council meetings and project update newsletters. Hundreds of written comments from residents and other stakeholders were reviewed and incorporated into the plan. The District of Muskoka approved Georgian Bay's Official Plan in 2014.

The plan is a “living document” and updates ensure that the plan continues to meet local needs, the District's Official Plan and Ontario's Planning Act. We review our plan every five years.

Applying for an Official Plan Amendment

If your plans for developing your property aren't consistent with the Official Plan, you will need to apply for an Official Plan Amendment. More information on this process is available through a pre-consultation with our Planning Department.

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